A list of all patients registered in the system
Unable to return a list of all patients due to validation error
No patients registered in the system was found
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Retorne um novo usuário com o perfil do paciente
Não é possível retornar um novo usuário com o perfil do paciente devido a um erro de validação
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- "name": "Fernando Oliveira de Rocha",
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A list of all patients registered by a clinic in the system
Unable to return a list of all patients registered by a clinic due to validation error
No patients registered by this clinic id in the system was found
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Return a patient registered in the system
Unable to return a patient due to validation error
No patient registered with this id in the system was found
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- "name": "Paulo Gonçalves Ferreira ",
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Retorne os dados do paciente atualizado
Não é possível retornar atualizar os dados do perfil do paciente devido a um erro de validação
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- "name": "Fernando Oliveira de Rocha",
- "cpf": "123.456.789.01",
- "birthdate": "22/12/1995",
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{- "userId": "string"
Return a patient registered in the system
Unable to return a patient due to validation error
No patient registered with this id in the system was found
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- "name": "Paulo Gonçalves Ferreira ",
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Bad Request
Not Found
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