Unable to return conditions due to validation error
Not Found
{- "cpf": "string",
- "cnpj": "string",
- "birthDate": "string",
- "clinicCode": "string",
- "requestedAmount": 0,
- "monthlyIncome": 0,
- "phoneNumber": "string"
{- "aproved": true,
- "installments": 0,
- "maxValue": 0,
- "installmentOfMaxValue": 0,
- "homogeneousGroup": 0,
- "message": "string"
Return favoreds basic data
Unable to return data
{- "success": true,
- "message": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "external": {
- "statusCode": 100,
- "service": "string",
- "error": "string"
}, - "listaFavorecido": [
- {
- "nomeTitular": "string",
- "sequenciaFavorecido": 0,
- "idFavorecido": "string",
- "tipoFavorecido": "string"
Return favoreds
Unable to return favoreds
{- "success": true,
- "message": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "external": {
- "statusCode": 100,
- "service": "string",
- "error": "string"
}, - "listaFavorecidosProposta": [
- {
- "codigoFavorecido": 0,
- "nomeFavorecido": "string",
- "valorPagamento": 0,
- "idFavorecido": "string"
Registered favoreds
Unable to register favored due to validation error
Not Found
{- "numeroProposta": 0,
- "listaFavorecido": [
- {
- "idFavorecido": "string",
- "valorFavorecido": 0,
- "tipoFavorecido": "string"
{- "success": true,
- "message": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "external": {
- "statusCode": 100,
- "service": "string",
- "error": "string"
}, - "flagGravaFavorecido": true,
- "statusRespostaServico": [
- {
- "codigo": 0,
- "mensagem": "string",
- "criticidade": "string",
- "sistemaOrigem": "string",
- "servicoOrigem": "string"
Return financing calculation
Unable to return financing calculation due to validation error
{- "cpfCnpj": "string",
- "birthdate": "string",
- "uf": "string",
- "requestedAmount": 0,
- "monthlyIncome": 0,
- "homogeneousGroup": 0,
- "clinicCode": "string",
- "isRebate": true
{- "requestedAmount": 0,
- "monthlyIncome": 0,
- "clinicName": "string",
- "clinicCode": "string",
- "firstInstallmentDate": "string",
- "simulations": [
- {
- "productionCode": "string",
- "productionCodeId": 0,
- "isRebate": true,
- "installments": [
- {
- "installments": 0,
- "minimumIncome": 0,
- "coefficient": 0,
- "interest": 0,
- "cet": 0,
- "monthlyInstallmentValue": 0,
- "clientTotalCost": 0,
- "clinicRetention": 0,
- "tacValue": 0,
- "bvRetention": 0,
- "annulCet": 0,
- "annualInterest": 0,
- "netFee": 0,
- "firstInstallmentFee": 0,
- "releasedValue": 0,
- "financingValue": 0,
- "iofValue": 0,
- "elegible": true,
- "maxFinancingValue": 0,
- "coefficientId": "string"
], - "notComputedInstallments": [
- {
- "installment": 0,
- "elegible": true
], - "creditRestriction": true,
- "installmentMaxValueAllowed": 0,
- "maxNumberInstallmentsAllowed": 0
], - "simulationErrors": [
- {
- "productionCode": "string",
- "error": "string"
], - "incomeCommitiment": 0,
- "simulationRecordId": "string"
Proposal Canceled
Unable to cancel proposal due to validation error
Proposal not found
{- "reason": "string"
{- "errors": [ ],
- "httpStatus": 500
Return proposal status
Unable to consult proposal due to errors
{- "success": true,
- "message": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "external": {
- "statusCode": 100,
- "service": "string",
- "error": "string"
}, - "statusProposta": {
- "codigoStatus": "string",
- "descricaoStatus": "string",
- "dataHoraAtualizacao": "string"
}, - "listaDocumento": [
- {
- "nomeDocumento": "string",
- "codigoDocumento": 0,
- "descricaoStatus": "string"
Este endpoint recebe dados do cliente para simular um financiamento e retorna as opções de parcelamento disponíveis ou uma descrição do erro
Bad Request
{- "cpf": "string",
- "cnpj": "string",
- "clinicCode": "string",
- "uf": "string",
- "requestedAmount": 0,
- "withoutFee": true,
- "birthdate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
{- "productionCodeId": 0,
- "approved": true,
- "maxValue": 0,
- "homogeneousGroup": 0,
- "installments": [
- {
- "installmentAmmount": 0,
- "installmentValue": 0,
- "clientCost": 0,
- "clinicRetention": 0,
- "bankRetention": 0,
- "tacValue": 0,
- "iofValue": 0,
- "cet": 0,
- "annualCet": 0,
- "interest": 0,
- "annualInterest": 0,
- "releasedValue": 0
Return financing calculation
Não foi possível retornar o link de formalização da proposta devido a erro de validação
Solicitation not found
{- "success": true,
- "message": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "external": {
- "statusCode": 100,
- "service": "string",
- "error": "string"
}, - "link": "string"